Using #DB12c PDB as a Repository for #EM12c…. Not so fast!

Last year, I wrote a post on how to setup Oracle Enterprise Manger 12c ( with Oracle Database 12c ( and what you could expect.  At the time the configuration was not supported by Oracle and I only did it to see if it could be done.  If you would like to read that post it can be found here.
This past May (2014), I attended the Oracle Customer Advisory Board (CAB) for Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c. It was a great gathering of power users and customers of the Oracle Enterprise Manager product line with a lot of useful information being shared.  One thing that came out in the CAB is that Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c ( is now fully supported against Oracle Database 12c ( or later).  During the discussion, I asked if Pluggable Databases (PDBs) would be supported for the repository database; I was surprised when the initial answer was “Yes”.  I was excited to say the least and wanted to try it out.  The ability to house multiple monitoring tools in a single CDB via multiple PDBs would shrink many monitoring application databases footprints within organizations.
Unfortunately, Oracle and I don’t share the same outlook with that use case.  In doing more research, installations and discussing the use case with a few friends, inside and outside of Oracle, I can safely say that Pluggable Databases (PDBs) are not supported as a Oracle Management Repository (OMR).  Although a Pluggable Database (PDB) is not supported as the OMR, Oracle Enterprise Manger 12c ( can still be ran with a Oracle Database 12c ( or later) OMR as long as it is a traditional database (non-CDB).
In summary, I’ve answered two (2) questions for you.
1. Are Pluggable Databases (PDBs) supported as Oracle Management Repositories for EM12c?  -> NO
2. Can an Oracle Database 12c ( or later), in traditional (non-CDB) mode, be used as an Oracle Management Repository? -> YES
In Image 1, you can see that I have EM12c ( running with a DB12c repository.
Image 1:

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