Changing the port number on a GoldenGate Microservice using REST

The new Oracle GoldenGate Microservices architecture provides a lot of new functionality and opens up a lot of possibilities. Part of these possiblies is to ability to interact with Oracle GoldenGate from a REST API stand point. The framework provides so much flexability and functionality, it is hard to highlight everything it can do.

Since services are the new thing in Oracle GoldenGate, I figured I do something simple and still show you how easy it is to work with the framework.

Upon inital installation, you have to setup a max of five (5) ports that the microservices will use. We actually recommend putting Oracle GoldenGate Microservices behind a reverse proxy but that is another discussion. With these five ports, you may inadventantly select ports that are in use. So how do you fix this issue after installation?

Answer is quite simple, just change the port number.

In order to change the port number, you need to write a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file for the services you want the port number changed for. In my case, I want to change my deployment (Atlanta_1) administration services port from 16001 to 16010. Figure 1 shows you that I’m on 16001.

Figure 1:

Now I want to change the port to 16010. In order to do this I need write a JSON file. My file looks like the sample code below.

“config”: {
“network”: {

Then I need to come up with a cURL command.

curl -u oggadmin:******* -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “Accept: application/json” -X PATCH http://localhost:16000/services/v2/deployments/Atlanta_1/services/adminsrvr -d @change_adminsrvr_port.json | python -mjson.tool

The cURL command is going to run the JSON document against my ServiceManager for deployment Atlanta_1, then restart the Administration Service. Figures 2 and , shows you the end result and that the Administration Service is still up and running.

Figure 2:

Figure 3:

There you have it, a simple way via REST to change port numbers for Oracle GoldenGate 12c Microservices.


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