Upgrading GoldenGate Microservices Architecture – GUI Based

In August of 2017, Oracle released two architectures for Oracle GoldenGate. These architectures were the Classic Architecture and the Microservices Architecture. Since then there has been some discussion around upgrading Oracle GoldenGate to Microservices. Due to the change in architecture, there is no direct upgrade path from Classic Architecture to Microservices Architecture. If you want to use the new Microservices Architecture, you will have to do a fresh install and migrate to the architecture.

Let’s say that you are bold and forward thinking and have already made move to the Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture upon the release of in August 2017 … great and I’m happy you did! It is a really cool architecture to be on and will provide you a stepping stone into the cloud world. Now what to do when Oracle releases a new release of Microservices Architecture? … The answer is upgrade!

Now upgrading Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture is not a hard as it has been in the past with Oracle GoldenGate. It has actually gotten simpler to upgrade … all you have to do now is install a new set of binaries and switch the deployment home for your deployments and ServiceManager over to it.

To perform the upgrade simply follow these steps:

1. Login and verfiy what Oracle GoldenGate Home the ServiceManager is using
a. Login to ServiceManager (http(s)://<hostname>:<port>)

b. Review the Deployment section (bottom of page)

2. Install new Oracle GoldenGate for Microservices binaries next to existing binaries. (Technically an out of place upgrade)

3. Update the ServiceManager and/or Deployments with new Oracle GoldenGate Home Information
a. Click the ServiceManager or Deployment (hyperlink)

b. Click the pencil icon. This will open the dialog box for editing

c. Update the GoldenGate Home with the new Oracle GoldenGate Home Path
d. Click Apply

f. From the Overview page, use the Action button to restart the ServiceManager out of the new Oracle GoldenGate home

After hitting “restart” from the Action button, you will lose access to ServiceManager. This is due to the old ServiceManager being shutdown and the new ServiceManager being started out of the new Oracle GoldenGate Home. Once the new ServiceManager is up and running, the same steps can be followed to move your deployment homes to the new Oracle GoldenGate Home.

Note: Ensure you stop all extract/replicat processes within the Deployment Home before moving GoldenGate Home of a deployment.


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