Certs and AdminClient … How to login?

I’ve been building a test environment using Docker for sometime (over and over), to validate some items within Oracle GoldenGate Microservices (current release as of writing – Part of setting Oracle GoldenGate Microservices is to make the environment secure by using certificates. Per Oracle documentation, you can use Self-Signed Certificates for testing purposes (more on that in this post).

In my testing, I have built an Oracle GoldenGate 19c Microservices configuraiton with two deployments (Atlanta and New York). I can access the ServiceManager and login to the associated HTML5 pages with no problem. When I went to run items from the command line (adminclient), I wouldn’t login to the ServiceManager/Deployment due to a Network Error.


$ sh ./adminclient.sh
Oracle GoldenGate Administration Client for Oracle Version OGGCORE_19.
Copyright (C) 1995, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved. Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized) on May 25 2019 02:00:23
Operating system character set identified as US-ASCII.

OGG (not connected) 1> connect https://ogg19c:16000 deployment NewYork as oggadmin password ********

ERROR: Network error – Certificate validation error

OGG (not connected) 2> exit


This got me thinking and started to ask some questions internally. Which lead me to a new envionrment parameter. This enviornment variable is OGG_CLIENT_TLS_CAPATH. The OGG_CLIENT_TLS_CAPATH variable is used to specify the root certificate athority needed to login to the ServiceManager/Deployment that has been secured using the certificate … in my case, my Self-Signed Certs.

After setting the enviornment variable OGG_CLIENT_TLS_CAPATH, I can now login to the AdminClient as expected.

$ export OGG_CLIENT_TLS_CAPATH=/home/oracle/wallet/Root_CA.pem
$ sh ./adminclient.sh
Oracle GoldenGate Administration Client for Oracle Version 
Copyright (C) 1995, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved. Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized) on May 25 2019 02:00:23
Operating system character set identified as US-ASCII.
OGG (not connected) 1> connect https://ogg19c:16000 deployment NewYork as oggadmin password ******** 
OGG (https://ogg19c:16000 NewYork) 2>


I found this quite helpful.


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