Possible Truncation Attack? logged in #em12c nodemanager.log file

Recently I’ve come across issues with restarting Oracle Enterprise Manager and seeing messages in the nodemanager.log. The message that I’m referring to is (followed by a java trace stack):

<Jul 2, 2015 11:46:11 PM> <WARNING> Uncaught exception in server handlerjavax.net.ssl.SSLException:
Inbound closed before receiving peer's close_notify: possible truncation attack?
Inbound closed before receiving peer's close_notify: possible truncation attack?

What is interesting about this message is the panic that may come over a person when they see the word “attack”. The first time I saw this message, I was working on a client site and I was distressed because I was worried about an “attack” on EM. After some investigation, this message is a bit misleading. So, what was the cause of the message?

The “possible truncation attack” is due to the IP address of the host where the OMS runs changed. Here in my test environment, I recently upgraded my wireless router which effected my whole network. The router upgrade changed all the addresses on the network. When OEM was initially installed, the host had an address of after the upgraded the addressed changed to Not a big deal; how to fix though?

In the case of my test lab, I needed to change the /etc/hosts files to ensure that the correct IP address was picked up. In the enterprise, what needs to happen is your local DNS needs to be updated along as the /etc/hosts file. OEM upon start up will look at DNS then /etc/hosts when trying to resolve host to IP resolution. The order of preference can be changed in the /etc/resolv.conf as well.


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