Oracle GoldenGate Studio, It is here and so are my thoughts

Ever since Oracle purchased GoldenGate, the biggest complaint about Oracle GoldenGate (OGG) has been around the fact that it is a command line tool. I like the command line interface of OGG, the simplicity of it and what can be done by just editing the parameter files from the command line. However, for those of you that require a graphical interface, Oracle has listened and provided a new tool. This tool is Oracle GoldenGate Studio!

This year at Oracle Open World 2015, Oracle announced Oracle GoldenGate Studio Release 1 (12.2.1). This is Oracle’s first step into bringing Oracle GoldenGate into the GUI environment. Studio is a design tool that complements the monitoring tools that Oracle provides for GoldenGate.

As a design tool, you can do a range of things now. A few of the thing are as follows:

  • Build out a wide range of Oracle GoldenGate architectures
  • Synced parameter files to systems where Oracle GoldenGate is running or dump the files to a directory for later installation
  • Export/Import GoldenGate Solutions
  • Define mappings in either local or global settings

When you first start Oracle GoldenGate Studio, anyone who has worked with Oracle Data Integrator will notice some similarities. This is because the initial framework for Oracle GoldenGate Studio is built around the ODI framework. This is good because if provides a familiar looking interface for the end user.

Just like ODI, Oracle GoldenGate Studio uses a repository. This repository can be the same repository as many other Oracle products. In my environment, I’ve got Oracle GoldenGate Studio running against a database. The repository is used to keep track of all the mappings needed to keep track of the architectures that is designed within the studio.

Overall, my initial thoughts on this product are:

  • For a first release, it is good but has some limited functionality
  • I like the interface and it helps to make quick work of designing a flow; however, initially there will be a learning curve for most GoldenGate Admins (no more Visio diagrams need to track)
  • Not thrilled with having another repository to keep up with; nice that is can be combined into other repositories if needed, just need to make sure schema names do not overwrite


With this tool being announced at Oracle Open World, expect some great blogs about this tool being road tested as well. In the mean time, once it becomes available (after OOW15) give it a try. It will make your life a bit easier.


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