Oracle Instant Client Installed via YUM

Back in 2018, Oracle started to make the Oracle Instant Client available via YUM configuration. This blog post is mostly meant to be a reminder for me, but hopefully, you will get some usage out of it.

Access Oracle Instant Client on Oracle Linux YUM Server

In order to access the correct yum repository, you need to install oracle-release-el7 or oracle-release-el6.  These packages are used to configure repository definitions for the Oracle Instant Client.

# yum -y -q install oracle-release-el7

Listing what is available

Oracle Linux yum server currently offers Instant Client packages back to 18.3 and newer packages up to 19.8 or later.  One nice thing about listing out all the Instant Clients available is that the output will also show you if you have any of them installed.

# yum list oracle-instantclient*
Installed Packages
oracle-instantclient19.8-basic.x86_64 @ol7_oracle_instantclient
oracle-instantclient19.8-devel.x86_64 @ol7_oracle_instantclient
oracle-instantclient19.8-sqlplus.x86_64 @ol7_oracle_instantclient
oracle-instantclient19.8-tools.x86_64 @ol7_oracle_instantclient
Available Packages
oracle-instantclient18.3-basic.x86_64 ol7_oracle_instantclient
oracle-instantclient18.3-basiclite.x86_64 ol7_oracle_instantclient
oracle-instantclient18.3-devel.x86_64 ol7_oracle_instantclient
oracle-instantclient18.3-jdbc.x86_64 ol7_oracle_instantclient


As expected, to install an Oracle Instant Client, simply install it as any other type of yum packages.

# yum -y -q install oracle-instantclient18.3-basic.x86_64


With this easy of access to Oracle Instant Client, Oracle is making it easier than ever for developers and DBAs to develop and deploy againt the Oracle Database.

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